Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years; a time of Thank You's (:

I’m listening to Stay Strong as I write this. I don’t think that this post is going to really mean anything; I think I am too excited really to even concentrate on writing anything worth while. I feel like I get like this at the end of every year, excited as to what the next New Year will bring; new experiences, new people to meet, new things to learn. But this coming Year, I don’t think I have ever been this excited before. I think it’s because I have something to look forward to. I’ve learned so much, and changed virtually everything that was me this year, and I cannot wait to see what s ahead, and what God will show me in 2010. (I’m getting really annoyed right now, my computer is skipping). I feel like I need to write something profound in this post because it’s going to be my last one of the year, because I am leaving for Berea tomorrow until Friday, and then I’m staying in North Conway with my family until Sunday. But I don’t think that anything profound is going to come. Just thanks. I think this would be a good time to thank the people who have affected me the most this year.

The Camp Berea Quad- for giving me a job at the most amazing summer camp in the world

Erika Sanderson- for being an amazing friend. Understanding and listening about something that she virtually didn’t and never will understand, but treated me like a normal human being, and seeing when I needed someone to talk to. For sending me random texts when I need them most, even though most of the time she doesn’t know it (:

Carrie Pollard- for being an amazing worker. Latching on and being prepared for the ride, even though we had no idea what we were doing. For keeping me sane when I thought I was going to explode, and taking care of everything when I was made to stay in the nurses.

Tori Duttweiler- For being an amazing friend. Keeping me sane all summer. Always being there when I needed a friend. Waking me up when I was going to be late to work. Thanks for all the amazing memories. One day we will run away (and not tell Nathanael). Because you live there are 10,000 times as many stars in the sky. And thank you for modeling the most beautiful quilt dress that I will wear to prom. Oh, and I think you’re fine, and you really blow my mind.

Julia Vitale- for being the best texting buddy ever. Always being cheerful when I need her. Telling me that my “boyfriend” was a lunatic, and I deserved better (well I got that right? Hehe), and that he called too much. For letting me crash in her room more than once, and enjoy her presence, even though sometimes I fell asleep while she was talking. For telling me to watch my heart when I needed to, and to get rid of people in my life I didn’t need. I wish I was a little bit taller, and I wish I was a baller. One day I will be.

Emmaline Conte- for stepping in to a new place that you had no idea about, and about zero interest. If it weren’t for you girl, I would have killed my self during Girls Camp. Thanks for all of your help. Thank you for all the random conversations we had when we had “nothing” to do. For making me laugh, and make me say things that I, myself needed to hear. OH, and remember that really rainy day that I had to go to the nurses, and you didn’t even know, and ran free time all by your self? Thanks (:

Joseph Beachy- Being the best boss ever, and not firing me, even though we all know I was late more than the three times you admit. For organizing “cleaning parties” to clean the craft shop, since I just couldn’t keep it clean, you guys were better at it. Oh, and for driving me to CT for the fireworks we never saw (:

Abby Bandi- for being an awesome friend whenever I need her. For telling me that my dreams are not crazy when everyone else thinks they are. Thanks for the conversations about random boys, and how most of them weren’t good enough for me, and when I found the one that is, you told me he was. Thanks for staying up until 2 in the morning in the cold with me at Man Camp, and just listening to me talk, and get lots of stuff out, and making me have some fun that I had really needed that weekend. Sorry about Jeff lol.

Julie Nicols- thanks for noticing and loving the “new Shapleigh” when I got home. And telling me “it’s about time”. I can’t thank you enough, because that meant the world to me, though you will probably never understand it.

Zach Algarin- for showing me that I deserve better. That you are exactly the kind of person I need to NOT be with. For getting me to realize what I need, and that even though I said “I didn’t know” what was wrong, thanks for being a pain in the ass persistent and getting it out of me.

Nathanael Maloney- you are my whole world now. I don’t even know where to start with you. Thank you for showing me that I am better than what I perceive myself to be. For telling me that I am beautiful, even when I think that I am not. Thank you for showing me how to be a better person, and a better Christian. Thank you for all of your prayers that you have dedicated to me. Thank you for you letters. Thank you for all of the support you have given me over the last 6 months, because there has been a lot. And thanks for listening to all my stupidness, and hiperness, and putting up with me when I can be a pain. Thanks baby.

To my “Daddy”- you are the hardest to thank. Because there is so much I have to thank you for. Too much to even try and list. Just thank you for everything that you have showed me this year. Thank you for being persistent and breaking through that “Great Wall of China” at the time when I needed it most! Thank you for helping me become a stronger and more loving person. Thank you for making me happier, this has arguably been the best year of my life, thank you for making it so.

So this has been the longest post I have written yet, and it’s because I owe so many thanks to so many people. I hope they read this. Happy New Year everyone (:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happiness; another life lesson I needed to teach myself about

Happiness. What is happiness? I always wish that I knew the TRUE meaning of happiness. Apparently our country wishes that they did too. I have heard it said that even thought we are the most “well off” country in the world, we are the most depressed. Even though we have all of these opportunities and wonderful things, we are still the most depressed. But this isn’t going to be about “be grateful for what you have”. This is about ways to find happiness, or at least how I have found it.

My boyfriend lives an hour and a half away. That’s not too far for two seventeen year olds with their licenses, but neither of us have one. Needless to say, we have been dating since June, and barley see each other, at the most, once a month, but I don’t think that I have ever been happier in my life. I remember being asked one day if I could choose for him to live closer if I would. I sat and thought about it for a while and eventually answered no. And I think the person who asked the question was quite taken aback. But there is reason for this. I am happy with what we have, I love every minute that we have because this way I feel like we are getting to KNOW each other more because we don’t really have a choice to do anything else. I remember once he said to me “we have to use this time to get to know each other and grow in love and not be distracted by the physical”. And he was so right, because believe me, he is a very good looking man. But this isn’t about us. In fact I don’t really feel that comfortable sharing even that much because we like our privacy, and don’t really believe in other people being “in” our relationship besides us and Him. But you need that much information to really understand what I am going to talk about next.

Put it this way, I like Nathanael a lot. And that is an understatement, because even I do not completely understand how much I do. So being apart for so long, and he having a job and going to school (I’m homeschooled), and my “after school” activities, and us just being so BUSY all the time, can really take a toll on a seventeen year old girl. And I remember when we first actually were in a relationship; it was after we got home from working all summer together at camp, and seeing each other for a good 4 or 5 hours a day I didn’t really know how to deal with it. But I got through it because we saw each other a lot those first two months. But after October we haven’t seen much of each other. And I started to become really depressed and didn’t really know how to control it. And you know, I think he was starting to get a little annoyed with me. One night we had a conversation and he was like “I know you are strong, you can get through this, show me that you can.” And so I did, or so I thought. It was only until a little while ago that I realized that I was “happy” all the time, I was becoming “stronger”, but it was artificial happy. A happy that wouldn’t let anybody, including myself, see that on the inside I still wasn’t that happy. I was lonely, and sad. Because I thought that if I was sad, that meant I wasn’t being strong. Last night I finally figured it out. It’s OKAY to be sad, but what I was doing wasn’t okay. I was letting it control everything that I did. When I first told my mom we were going to stay together even though we were far apart she told me this; “That is an awfully mature thing to do Shapleigh, but I think you need to get your emotions in check first, but do what you want”. I never understood it until now. No matter what you are experiencing, it is okay to feel that emotion, but you can’t let it control your life. I have to say that I am actually genuinely happy now that I know what I am doing. I am allowed to feel emotion, and that is really great. It’s okay to feel lonely and sad sometimes, but when I let them affect the way that I am living, that is going to make me a person I don’t want to be, and I am sure people don’t want to be around.

Now that I have concluded this I have realized that this is another blog really aimed at myself, not really others. I believe that this is just another way that I am learning to “Stay Strong”. That sometimes I need to help myself grow, and realize things in order to help others learn and grow also.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Disappointment; a great motivation tool.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about disappointment, and how powerful it can be to the human mind. When someone is disappointed in you, you with yourself, you with others, the outcome of something, anything that has to do with disappointment. Why is this so powerful? Why can something that we didn’t want to happen affect us so much? This is what I have discovered.

Disappointment is a GREAT motivation tool. At least for some people like me it is. Growing up I always felt as though I was disappointing people in some way; my grades weren’t good enough, my batting average was poor, I never paid attention, I was a “bad kid”, all those things you dread that people would “say” about you, I felt as though people were saying them about me, and that bothered me a lot, but for some reason it didn’t bother me enough. But evening over the summer I decided to really examine myself and everything that I had done over the years that I had believed (and am still pretty sure were) people were disappointed in me for, and realized how disappointed in MYSELF I was. I was not living the life that He had wanted for me. I had fallen really far away from him and built this “Great Wall of China” I remember describing it as to my friend Erika, it was a wall that would allow me to disregard any bad feelings about what I had been doing, and trust me, there was a lot. But I felt nothing about it, I felt no remorse, and I had no intentions of going “back” to Him, even though I knew that there were people disappointed in me. And that is a big thing with me, I love when people are proud of me, and I think that is because nobody really ever had a reason to be, so when they actually were, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. But this “Great Wall of China” was built so high and so thick that it even blocked out the feelings of disappointment that people had for me, and they didn’t bother me. Until this night, when I realized how disappointed I was in myself. I had told myself that I would never get to this! And look where I was! I wasn’t angry, I wasn’t sad but I was disappointed, and that gave me reason to change, because I wanted to be proud of myself. And I knew that if I changed, and others were proud of me, it would give me reason to be proud of myself. And let me tell you, things were so much better after that. I was so much happier (and still am, pretty much all the time) after I “cleaned up my act” so to speak. And there was no more disappointment. Sure, there are times when I slip, and say a word that I shouldn’t, or do something that I know I shouldn’t. And I’m not going to lie, I get sometimes really angry, but then that anger turns to disappointment, and that disappointment turns into motivation not to do it again. And it usually works, because who really want to be disappointed with themselves forever? Not me.

Now I feel like I should tie this into Christmas somehow, since it IS in six days. And I know that I was going to anyway because this reflects how I feel about it anyway. I’m so disappointed in this world and how we turned something so BEAUTIFUL into something so, disgraceful. If the one that we are supposed to be celebrating came back this Christmas, I feel as though he would be so hurt. Christmas is not about the best presents, sexy lingerie, the food, the shopping, family, or getting together. But that is what we have made it to be. It is about the fact that the one that died for us was born, and he came into this world just as you and I did, a baby, and a lot more humble one than I am sure you and I were. We were born in hospitals with lots of doctors, and probably to married parents with a mother over the age of 22 most likely. Mary and Joseph were not even married, or had doctors or a place to stay! And think about it, MARY WAS ABOUT 12 YEARS OLD. Imagine that.

Now I’m sad to report that no matter how many people are “disappointed” in this Christmas that we have made, it is not going to change. It is always going to be like this because, unfortunately, this is how it is supposed to be. But let that disappointment be a motivation tool, to remember and actually act upon what Christmas is actually about. Now I’m not saying don’t go out and get a tree and everything that Christmas “is”, but at least acknowledge what it really is, because who wants to be disappointed forever? Not me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Stay Strong"; teaching myself that sometimes being selfish is okay?

There is a song by the Newsboys that I absolutely LOVE. Ever since I heard it I was completely in love with it. When I first heard it I loved it because of the wonderful piano intro (I’m a sucker for piano, I wish I could play like no tomorrow). I never knew how much that it was going to mean to me in just some time. Now I feel like the song is speaking directly to me. Yesterday I wrote about this struggle that I have, that I have been keeping inside for a long time. But now I am learning to deal with it, I am teaching myself to “Stay Strong”. And every morning and every night that is what I am told. I am told to stay strong, and what I have learned so far, in these past few days, that just hearing that somebody believes in you and they know that you are strong, can help you overcome anything. But the one thing you have to have in order for this to work, is strength and belief in yourself. Here are the lyrics, they mean everything to me. I listen to this song at least once a day now, and am planning to write the chorus on index cards and stick them around various places that I go to a lot during the course of my day;

You're in the moment now
A bitter root
A wandering eye and then
The ties that bind start wearing thin, thin

You're in the moment now
When all you've been blessed with
Is not enough
Here's where the ground gets loose
Here's where the devils call your bluff

Stay strong
You are not lost
Come on and fix your eyes ahead
There's a new dawn to light our day, our day
You've gotta stay strong
You and I run
For the prize that lies ahead
We've come too far to lose our way, our way

We've seen the tragic flaws
The tortured souls
The saints with feet of clay
Here's where sin becomes cliché'

We've come through wilderness and watched
The cloud by day
The burning sky into dawn
Have you forgotten who you are?
Did you forget whose trip you're on?

Stay strong
You are not lost
Come on and fix your eyes ahead
There's a new dawn to light our day, our day
We've gotta stay strong
You and I run
For the prize that lies ahead
We've come too far to lose our way, our way

Get up, there's further to go
Get up, there's more to be done
Get up, this witness is sure
Get up, this race can be won
This race can be won

We've gotta stay strong
You are not lost
Come on and fix your eyes ahead
Our Father's dawn will light our day, our day
Come on and stay strong
His grip is sure
And His patience still endures
There'll be no letting go today, no way

Come on, and stay strong
You and I run
For the prize that lies ahead
We've come too far to lose our way, our way

Every time I listen to this I am almost brought to tears, and that doesn’t happen to me a lot while listening to songs, unless they really mean something to me or are speaking directly to something that is really heavy on my heart. I feel weird writing this blog because I feel as though all of the one’s that I write are for others, I love writing for others, but this one is mostly for me. Maybe that is just something I have to do. Maybe every once and a while I need to make things about me, and not about other people. I’m not sure about this newfound concept though because that sounds really selfish, and being selfish is one of the things that I am working really really hard on right now not to be, so I guess that we will have to see where this goes...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Internal Struggles; a good way to find what you need to do.

I have this thing that I constantly struggle with. To say that it is an addiction is probably a good way to explain it. I don’t like to talk about it, and I don’t even like to say the word of what it is. For about a year, the Big Guy and I were the only ones who knew about it. I vowed never to tell anyone, that it was too embarrassing, and that nobody would ever understand what I was going through; that it was actually a struggle and not just something that I liked to do. But it had been bothering me a lot.

Now my boyfriend Nathanael and I pretty much don’t keep anything from each other, I can’t think of anything right now about me that he doesn’t know. (Well I mean he doesn’t know everything about me, but you get the point) And so you can only imagine what it was like to keep something big from him for so long. It was hard, and agonizing, and scary. Because I wanted to tell him, it was something that he deserved to know about. But I kept it to myself for a long time. And now I don’t really know why, because I have thrown a lot of things at him, a lot of scary and hard things to deal with. And he is still here! He still tells me every day that he loves me, and that he isn’t going to leave. That nothing is going to be too scary for him. So why didn’t I just believe him? I mean, of course I believed him, and I trusted him, but why didn’t I just fully do it? I call myself a daring person, but I wasn’t daring enough to go out on a limb and possibly get hurt. And that is so hypercritical. Because I always say that I would do that in a heartbeat with him, but I never fully was doing it. And I will never understand why. But I finally told him about this struggle on Monday night, and I feel so much better. He is still here. And he has been helping me with no questions asked. And I guess this is something I knew that would happen all along, but for some reason I guess I didn’t trust myself that I could take that amount of love from someone. Before I met him I was such a commitmentphobe. I didn’t like it, because I like change, with change comes new experiences. What I wasn’t realizing was that you can still have new experiences with the same person; it doesn’t have to be someone different every time. So I never knew how to gain and get so much love from one person, because I never gave them enough time before I let them go to get to this point. And now I realize what I had been missing out on! It’s amazing! And honestly, I still cannot believe that I have found this at seventeen (well I was sixteen when I found him, but I’ve had a birthday)!!

I think that is what I am trying to say here. That people shouldn’t be afraid to go out on a limb and get hurt, if they do, then they do, and that’s supposed to happen, but you will learn from it. But you actually have to DO IT. Don’t just say that you would, and then do it slowly, crawling out on to the limb on your stomach inch by inch. You have to do it for real; just stand up and walk out. And it’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be scared out of your freaking mind, that’s what I needed to realize. It’s okay to be scared and to surrender. It is okay. Surrendering is not always a bad thing, if you don’t learn how to do it, what amazing experiences will you ever have? NONE. And sometimes you just need to let things out, and surrender them to God, and yeah, that’s really scary. And yeah, you could get really hurt by this, but He loves you, and that’s something that everyone needs to know. He loves you more than you will ever be able to understand, and for some THAT is what they need to go out on a limb for, they just have to gain trust. And trust is a scary thing.

Now I realize I touched on a lot of hard topics here in one post, and they might not all even make sense to everyone, but I hope that at least one of them will at least make someone think, think about that thing that they are holding back that is keeping them from something that they deserve.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Daydreams; another way to realize GOD is in control

There’s a question that I often ponder, though I still have never found the answer to, no matter how much I think about it;

“Why do we think we know what we like/want, and then when we get the complete opposite, it turns out that THAT is actually what we needed all along?”

It’s funny how these things happen. You make up all these wonderful things in your head, things that you think will make your life “complete” if you get them, but do we ever really get them? Usually not, I’ve come to realize that we usually get the complete opposite of what we wanted, and somehow that always turns out BETTER than what we wanted.

I remember when I applied for my first job at the most amazing camp in the world, Camp Berea (YAY!). I had wanted to work there since I first started going there at seven years old. And all that time I was convinced that I was going to work in the kitchen, because I was told that when you applied at you could only work either maintenance (ew) or kitchen. So that was what I applied for, I applied for the kitchen. When it came time for my first phone interview I was informed that there were no spot in the kitchen left, that they were all taken by past staff members. So I was given an option; I could either work maintenance, or I could run the craft shop with one other girl (not because guys don’t like crafts, they do). So I chose the craft shop, and I was kind of excited, kind of nervous, but pretty put out that I wasn’t going to get to work in the kitchen. I mean you would too if you had thought for 10 years that was what you were going to be doing THIS summer. THIS summer had finally come, and I didn’t get what I had thought was going to be the perfect “first summer job”. I got pretty much the complete opposite, and it was so much better. I love the craft shop. I get to hang out with kids all day, and make things. Seriously, how cool is that? And I made some amazing friends, hey, they may be 12, but I still talk to them at least once a week! At the end of the summer I got to work the kitchen for two weeks, and yeah, it was awesome, and I totally loved it, but I wouldn’t have picked it over my job at the Craft Shop, never. So why is that? Why did I think that this was going to be what I wanted? I made this all up in my head, thinking it was what I wanted, but it really wasn’t what I NEEDED.

I feel like we all do this at least once in our lives. And you all know what I am talking about. Yup, significant others. There, I said it. There are some of us (myself included) who spend our whole lives making up this awesome, perfect, everything you want right down to where there freckles are, kind of person in our head. And you plan how and when and where you’re going to meet, and how and when you will get engaged, and how many kids you will have, and what they look like and their names, and EVERYTHING. And of course there are some people who do the complete opposite. They spend their whole lives saying that they don’t need or want anyone. I even dated a guy like that (What was wrong in THAT relationship? If you even knew…), but then you get something or someone completely different, and you realize that all along that is what you truly needed. You only made those things up in your head because those are the things that will keep you the way you are now, but anything opposite is too scary. That is defiantly what happened to me. I was convinced that my husband would be ‘a blue eyed, sandy blonde hair, about 6 foot tall football player. He would be Irish just like me. We would have 3 boys, all with Irish names, and they would all have blonde curly hair. We wouldn’t be rich, but we would be well off. We would meet in college, but not date until I was around 25ish, get married a couple of years later’. That kind of guy. I had everything figured out. But man, did god had something different in mind. Here’s the real man of “my dreams”, the one I really needed all along. And yeah, he’s completely different, and if he even changed one thing about himself I would go insane; ‘green eyed, brown hair, 5 foot 8, guitar player. Completely in love with JESUS (See what I left out before? Yeah, so much better) he is Irish though, but I have this feeling he wants more than 3 boys. I’m pretty sure there’s going to be a girl somewhere in there too. They probably will all have Biblical names, not Irish. I have this feeling we won’t be rich, and probably not “well off” until a while after we get married. We met the summer I was 16, and I was dating another guy, one I thought I would be with for a long time. He never officially asked me to be his girlfriend.’

See how much different that is? See how much better I am off? So this is what I am saying; no matter what you think is right for you, you aren’t in control. God is, and only HE knows what is actually right for you. And sometimes it’s completely different than what you had in mind.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Maturity; your own type of Motivation

So lately I have been thinking a lot about motivation, and how much of it I lack. It’s been even hard for me to get myself just to sit down and write this, because I knew what it was going to make me think about, and I didn’t really like that. What is motivation? I have found that it can be quite simple, but also at the same time, very complicated. When I was younger, I was an avid softball player. I played on the best team in the city for three years in a row, and it was my favorite 4 months of the year. Softball meant the world to me. But along with softball, I was a major dancer. I did ballet, tap, jazz, and lyrical, but a couple of those I did twice over, taking more than one class. Needless to say, in the spring I was a very busy girl because along with the softball season, I would be getting ready for the spring recital, the thing that I had been working towards all school year. SO right now you’re probably wondering where the heck I am going with this, but don’t worry, it has a point.

School was and still isn’t my favorite thing. To say that I detest it probably would be an understatement. The sad thing is; I have an IQ of like 146. That’s a really high IQ. But because I have hated school so much my whole life, I never ever try. I refuse to do my homework, usually don’t pay attention, and just goof off the whole time. I never have had the motivation to do the work. Sure, I knew what was going to happen if I didn’t do well in school, I probably would end up going to community college, but to a high school freshman, that doesn’t mean much, that’s still four years away.

But now (here comes the tie-in) thinking back three years ago I wonder. I wonder what motivated me to stay in dance all year, and spend a total of about 25 hours a week in the studio, when every year it ended the same. The same with softball. What motivated me so much that all year I would practice, hoping to get better for next season, which only lasted about 3 and a half months. And when the season was going on, what motivated me to get up on Saturday mornings for seven o’clock practice in 30 degree March weather? What was it? And these two things ran at the same time. What motivated me to keep doing my best at both of them, at the same time? How come I could never even get myself to do my homework, but I could do that?

I see this problem with everyone that I meet. They have no problem being motivated to do something that they want to do, but if it is something that they just don’t like, they have no motivation whatsoever, even if they know they have to do it, or there will be consequences. Why is this? Where does this mentality come from? Why can’t we just force ourselves to do things that we don’t want to do? I guess that this post doesn’t really have an ending, because I am still pondering these questions, and probably will never find the answer. But I do want to say that sometimes these things do change. I don’t have as much of a problem with getting myself to do my school work now. So, maybe that is a change in character. I have changed a lot since I was 15. Maybe motivation is a characteristic of people, either they have it, or they have to mature until they find it. That’s what I believe. That it is a sense of maturity. Once you are mature enough to know that you have to do something, and you are mature enough to surrender yourself to doing it, you don’t need motivation anymore. You are your own type of motivation.